Reports and Publications

Children's Rights-Portal: Materials on children's rights

The Children's Rights Portal is a platform of the "National Coalition Germany - Network for the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child" which collects knowledge, literature, academic papers on children's rights in one place. The portal contains materials that address children's rights in their entirety or in greater depth individually. The materials on the Children's Rights Portal support teachers and educational professionals in daycare centres, primary schools, secondary schools and out-of-school settings in addressing children's rights in their learning settings. It contains a wide range of media, such as brochures, podcasts, worksheets, films, games and much more.

Ansicht: Smartphone policies in schools: What does the evidence say?

Smartphone policies in schools: What does the evidence say?

The Digital Future for Children (DFC) Center supports an evidence base for child rights-based advocacy, and promotes dialogue between science and policy while empowering children's voices. The research report provides an insight into the debate on smartphone policies in schools and the associated children's rights.

Ansicht: Der gemeinsame Digitalpakt

Global Digital Compact

At the Summit for the Future, the United Nations adopted the Global Digital Compact, which sets out fundamental principles for shaping the digital environment. This pact is part of the “Our Common Agenda” initiative and forms the basis for a shared digital future.

Ansicht: "Ein verpfuschter Job in Brüssel" - Desiderata

"A botched job in Brussels" - Desiderata

In his latest blog post, John Carr comments on the current status of the European Commission's proposal for a regulation to prevent and combat sexual violence against children online.

[Translate to Englisch:]

On the Concept of Personal Integrity in the German Protection of Minors

With the 2. amendment of the Federal Youth Protection Act in Germany, the legislator has introduced the legal concept of personal integrity into the Youth Protection Act. The text presents an understanding of the protection objectives, which is derived from the justification for the reform and other developments in the field and results in the following definition:

Personal integrity of children includes the protection of physical and psychological integrity as well as personal data. In particular, the age-appropriate and future-open development as well as the informational and sexual self-determination of minors must be ensured. The abuse of inexperience and age, economic exploitation and the commercial or other improper processing and dissemination of user data are, conversely, contrary to the protection of personal integrity.

Ansicht: Global Age Assurance Standards Summit Communique

Global Age Assurance Standards Summit Communique

The article is a reflection of the "Global Age Assurance Standards Summit 2024" regarding the development of an age verification procedure.

Ansicht: IGF 2023 Zusammenfassung der diesjährigen Konferenz

IGF 2023 Annual Meeting Summary Report

This is a summary of the 18th conference of the IGF (Internet Governance Forum) in 2023.

Ansicht: Was ist das Gesetz über digitale Dienste (Digital Services Act - DSA)?

The Digital Services Act (DSA) explained

This booklet explains in simple terms what the DSA has introduced to protect children and young people under the age of 18.

Ansicht: Die Stärkung von Kinderrechten durch den Digital Services Act (DSA): Wege zu Best-Pratice-Ansätzen

Strengthening Children's Rights through the Digital Services Act: Pathways to Best Practice Approaches

The purpose of this paper is to constructively follow the implementation of the new Digital Services Act (DSA) from a child rights perspective.

Ansicht: Protection of children against online sexual abuse Flash Eurobarometer 532

Protection of children against online sexual abuse

The European Commission, Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, published a presentation on a survey on protecting children from sexual abuse on the Internet, which was conducted by Ipsos.

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