Safer Internet Day (SID)is a global day of action to promote online safety and a better internet for children and young people. It is dedicated to a different theme every year and has been held on the Tuesday of the second week of February since 2004. Safer Internet Day is organised by the EuropeanInsafe network as part of the European Commission's DIGITAL programmeand is being held this year under the global motto ‘Together for a better Internet’. Safer Internet Day will take place for the 22nd time on 11 February 2025. In Germany, the day of action is organised by Klicksafe and further specified with the theme “No Likes for Lies”.
Whether children, young people, carers, schools, institutions, political decision-makers or businesses - everyone can contribute to creating and promoting a safe and inclusive online environment. Throughout the month of February, various campaigns and events will take place around the world. They all aim to promote change and raise awareness among everyone to improve the digital environment.
Klicksafe provides an overview of offers and events in Germany with this list. There is also material for the organisation and implementation of your own contribution to the SID.
Further information about Safer Internet Day in English can be found here. There is also an overview of webinars and other programmes in other countries.