Open Call: Join the Pilot Youth Advisory Panel

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The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) was set up by the European Union to support Member States in protecting fundamental and human rights. The Agency promotes expertise in this field by carrying out studies and surveys on issues such as data protection, discrimination and children's rights. Now, the FRA has decided to set up a Youth Advisory Panel to make the voices of young people across Europe more heard, so that their opinions and views are reflected and amplified in the FRA's planning, work and other activities.  

Young people can apply to be part of the FRA's first Youth Advisory Board using this form until 9 February 2025.    

Who can apply? Young people between the ages of 18 and 25 (born between 1999 and 2006) who have already gained experience in youth work or civil society, are citizens of the EU or the accession countries (Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia) or are legally resident in one of these countries and have a good working knowledge of English (B2).

What are the main tasks of the Pilot Youth Advisory Panel?  Involving young people in the development of the structures and procedures necessary for the functioning of the Panel; advising the Director on future priorities for the work of the FRA; organising and participating in intergenerational dialogues. 

Further information on the Pilot Youth Advisory Panel and the application process can be found on their website.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights