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Additional content for: Internet Governance


  • 18.12.17

    Child Safety and Internet Governance - a brief look back and forward

    Jutta Croll, Stiftung Digitale Chancen

    Even in 2006, when the IGF itself was in its infancy, the topic of child safety and protection was on the agenda of the forum. Not necessarily as a top priority and not free of conflicts. Strategies targeted at the prevention of access to potentially harmful content for children were contentious and had its detractors from the Freedom of Speech Community. Through the years empowerment of children and youths for a safe and responsible usage of the Internet gained in importance.

Scientific studies

Official documents

  • Ansicht: Europaratsstrategie (2016-2021)

    Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers on the rights of the child in the digital environment

    Council of Europe, Europarat

    How to better respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment is at the core of the new Recommendation adopted today by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers. Building on international and European legal instruments, the text provides comprehensive guidelines for action by European governments. The digital environment shapes children’s lives in many ways, creating opportunities and risks to their well-being and enjoyment of human rights. Governments are recommended to review their legislation, policies and practices to ensure that these adequately address the full range of the rights of the child. States should also ensure that business enterprises and other key partners meet their human rights responsibilities and are held accountable in case of abuses.